Cleaning or Crafting
I'm beat tired today, it's been a long week, my spring cleaning is on my mind, but my body says crafting in the glamper would do me good, with peacefulness n' quite solitude, but then reality sets in. I have two wee ones to tend, to, and the other three kiddo's are on their way home in a few hours!
Have you had those days or weeks?
Awww, I bet you do, if you have young children or the Grand babies over quite often.
Well, hang in there Mom n' Grandma's. Be strong n' of good courage! You, keeping every thing nice n' tidy around the house helps you n' your family out in the long run. The shoes will be found much easier, the coat hangers won't be broken under your feet as you walk into your closet, the ballet outfit will be right in the bag were it ought to be!
Then after you've tidied up a bit, sit n' relax. Pin a few, of your favorite things onto Pinterest (one of my lil' breathers). Get your second wind, even if a cat nap is in order. And remember, Mom n' Grands you need to take care of yourselves, too!
Something that seems to work for me is putting a mental timer on: Tiding for 20 minutes, then 10 minutes for self. It seems for me, that I tend to move a little quicker this way.
Try it out n' see if it works for you!
You'll know in the end, that you've completed a few needed things around the home n' you'll feel blissful, too!
Boy, I've encouraged myself, so I'm going to cut out, to tidy up!!! Then Mmmm, I think, I'll craft up a suit case :)) That's my next big knack.
We're going on holiday, to Walla Walla Wa. I might find a few thrift shops while there, Yippy! :))
Happy Homemaking
A Happy Camper
Meet my Darling lil' Miss Annabell. She lives in the coziest lil' camper, and always has dear lil' children visiting her! Her life is just wonderful. She's perched up on shelves, sleeps in lined drawers, watches over the kitchen nook area, and of course she's queen of the kitchen!
She is always well loved, being wrapped up in plenty of tissues and put away when her cozy "tweet" camper is off traveling about on holiday.
I found her at this featured shop on Etsy:
Featured Shop:
It's the perfect cup for hot coco, in the mornings or a spot of tea, when I just need a break n' some solitude.
I have Annabell placed on this lil' shelf, I found at the thrift store in town. I painted it white n' now it's just prefect to hold cards, notes and birdies. Her, Annabell has that vintage chipped look, that I love.
The pink ribbon is so lovely, n' brings out her blushed cheeks.

These two happy twins remind me, of when my Grandma took me as a young girl, to see Snow White.I just feel in love with all the sweet animals, and obviously the bluebirds!
Annabell has a lil' nick on the nose, but she still does well holding our strawberry jams.
Camper Crafts

..................."How Do, You Do!?"
Who's Annabell? Well she's my Tweet lil' bluebird birdy, that lives in the, The Bluebird Camper. She's every where, nesting about.

I lOvE crafts! I get a bit of it from my Grandma, she was a sewer, and had a artists mind about her!.
Crafting is so much fun. I set up my glamper to be a place my children would enjoy being in, and of course me, too!
Kiddo's making fun thing, is there any thing tweeter than that? The joy they have in doing so n' the pride on there faces when the craft is completed!

Awww, finally a peek in the camper!!! What joy, to be in here!
Well, I'm all set up for my kiddo's to come in after school, to do up some cute lil' caterpillars.
I've turned over my cushioned seats, but opps, I'd forgotten to cover them with the vintage old sheets. Next time ;)Doing arts n' crafts with your children can be:
1. A great time of bonding for them n' you alike!
2. An opportunity for you Mom, (or Grandma) to teach some life lessons: Example~ Sharing with siblings, giving to others: neighbors, teachers, the needy.
3. A) How to~ patience, listening skills, organization.
B) How to~ cut, hold scissor's, steadiness of hangs, etc.
4. Making memories! Those last for a lifetime!!!
Moms, charge your camera's...n' take lots of pics., you'll love looking at them a few months later n' longer :)
Are your kiddo's bored out of their wits?
Well, set up a lil' craft or project for you n' them to share in!

Here's the closet in my 1960's camper. When not glamping, we play in here.
I've filled up the drawers n' closet with lil' goodies to craft with. Using a shoe holder is most useful, however, I'm on the hunt (@ Goodwill) for a clear one, so I can see the items much easier.
My sister~in~law (owner of the Woodseeker) Jenny bought this for Lulu n' I. I'll post all the fun we have doing it, when we do:)
I think I'll have a few of her friends over, to help her out.
I found a few of these 1950's blue containers to hold all types of goodies in. A lil' blast from the past.

And a lil' came of memory match, afterwards.
The dollar Tree, is a wonderful place to get many, many, many lil' family fun activities. It's a must shop spot for me!
Great places for craft supplies:
Dollar Tree
Yard Sales
Thrift Shops ~ Goodwill
Newspapers~ Sometimes Daycares advertise going out of business.
Friend & Family craft swaps
My mom bought for me a couple of these bed wetter sheet pads (for my 2 yr old) so I cut one of them up for crafting sheets.
They work great for spills n' glue globber.

As you can see I filled each cupcake holder with tweet things...all, but one from the thrift store, I found with the kiddo's at the $ store.
The sparkly glitter glues are my favorite!
Save your kids applesauce cups for holding lil' treats to eat or craft littles.
I ended up put some glue for Fi~fi to just dip her finger in, to get what was needed, she's only 4 and still a squeezer of glue n' toothpaste for that matter.
Lil' ones love to craft, but put them in a family fun spot n' Walaaaa! It's over the top fun!!!
Isn't this a lovely sight? So much potential ;)
Go today to your local thrift store and treasure hunt. Oh, what fun. My wonderful Grandma used to call it the Yellow Store. That is all thrift stores, it was our lil' code for old/used stuff n' clothes.
Fi~Fi attempting at the gLuE!....yikes!....not a pretty sight! A true learning curve ;)
My newly (today) toothless tweet boy.
See the pride on his face over his art work :))

While the wee ones were making art, my dear boy Easton was working on his division sheet homework.
The camper has proved to be a quite tweet spot to focus.
Finally Easton got his turn. He zipped thru it!!!
He's defiantly a glue
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FaMilY FuN with EveRyOne
A Family Safe Place to Be
This is a different craft, but still lots of fun!
Easton went in to, watch a LeGo Documentary with Daddy O'

Kids of all ages love to built, participate in activities and put there hand at a few knacks.

Lil' miss smiley n' Fluffy Diamond.

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